I am tapering this week before my next triathlon on Sunday. I am really looking forward to this race as it is a super sprint, which is shorter than my previous races. It is hard to believe that July is here and we only have 178 days left this year! I need to step it up if I want to reach my goals by the end of this year. I think it is a good time to re-visit some of these goals….
2009 Goals –
1. Complete at least 3 triathlons – DONE!
2. Complete the Denver half marathon in October
3. Loose another 15 pounds by my 10th wedding anniversary on Dec 21st.
Over the next 178 days I need to push it and really focus on making these goals happen. I am doing well, far better than I thought I would be, but I still have a long way to go. For now, I need to make it through this week and this next race. My goals for this next week are just to have fun and to try and learn more from the lake swim. My last lake swim was terrible so I am hoping to gain more experience from this one. As far as the bike and run, I am just going to go out there and race strong and enjoy every moment! I do need to make sure I drink more water the day before my race as last time I felt so terrible on my run I do not want that to happen again.
Here is my training schedule for this week……..
Monday – Swim 400 m, Run 3
Tuesday – Swim 800 m, Bike 15, Walk 60 mins
Wednesday – Swim 400 m , Bike 11/ Run 2
Thursday – Swim 800 m, Walk 60 mins
Friday – Bike 11/Run 2
Saturday – Rest
Sunday – Race day!!
Monday – Recovery swim and ST