Workout Results 4/24-

Not my best workout by far, I was just out of it today for some reason. My strength was just not there and my shin was hurting really bad on my run. I pressed on, but I have to admit I was really happy when my workout was over. Usually I feel as if I could go more but not today. I am icing my shin now so I am hoping it will feel better later today so that I can run tomorrow.

Yesterday I did not workout because I was at the doctors office getting some test done for my knee and shin. I had an MRI and a bone scan. On Tuesday they took some x-rays as well so hopefully we can find out why my knee and shin are causing me such pain. I am also taking a anti-inflammatory that she gave me a prescription for to help with the swelling of my knee. Regardless of the outcome, I am not giving up. You can always adjust your training and if I continue to keep my diet clean, I see no reason why I cannot continue to see results. I may have to lower my mileage and do some cross training but we will have to wait and see. It may just be a case of over training, who knows. I am staying positive though as I feel so blessed to be out there doing my very best! So despite the fact that today was a hard day, I am proud once again that I got out there and gave it my all. One day at a time……

Keep reaching! Have a blessed weekend.

4/24 – ST with cross training cardio –

Time – 109.31 mins
Calories burned – 848
Calories consumed – 1,662 ( Pre-logged meals for the rest of the day)

Standing straight arm lat pull downs ( very slight bend of elbows) – 3 sets of 20 reps at 40 lbs

Wide grip lat pull downs – 3 sets –
Set 1 – 10 reps at 105 lbs
Set 2 – 12 reps at 120 lbs
Set 3 – 10 reps at 120 lbs

Seated rows – 2 sets –
Set 1 – 15 reps at 120 lbs
Set 2 – 12 reps at 120 lbs

Single arm bent over reverse flys – 3 sets of 10 reps for each arm with one 15 lb DB

Two arm bicep curls to shoulder press – 6 sets of 10 reps with 15 lb DBs

Two arm hammer curls on balance ball – 3 sets of 20 reps with 15 lb DBs

Leaning front raise on balance ball – 3 sets of 15 reps for each arm with a 10 lb DB

Leaning lateral raise on balance ball – 3 sets –
Set 1 – 10 reps for each arm with a 15 lb DB
Set 2 and 3 – 10 reps for each arm with a 10 lb DB

Reverse fly to overhead raise (“T” position to “I” position) on balance ball – 3 sets of 10 reps with 5 lb DBs

Incline DB chest press – 3 sets
Set 1 – 20 reps with 25 lb DBs
Set 2 – 15 reps with 25 lb DBs
Set 3 – 10 reps with 25 lb DBs

DB flys on balance ball – 3 sets of 10 reps with 15 lb DBs

Overhead pull to crunch on balance ball with one 15 lb DB – 3 sets of 15 reps

Weighted crunch on balance ball with one 15 lb DB – 3 sets of 15 reps

Post ST cross training cardio – 42 mins
32 mins on tread – 5.5 mins walking and 26.5 mins of running.
10 mins on arc trainer

Weekly totals – 4 days
TIme – 573 mins
Calories burned – 5,660