Today was a wonderful, but crazy day!! This morning I finished a great workout at the gym, came home to refuel, then get on my bike for my next workout. While airing up the tires to a higher psi for my ride, I noticed there was a tear in the tire. Well, it busted! I had to go to the bike store and get a new tire. I know these things happen but it threw my schedule off a bit. Anyways, I came home and decided to ride tomorrow and today I would do another run outside instead. So it was not quite what I planned but nevertheless, it was a wonderful day!
Every day I am seeing results in one form or another and that is extremely motivating for me! My strength is increasing and my form while lifting is solid, this is something I am constantly working on as form is so important. My post ST run was good… no pain in my knee or my shin so therefore the run was a success!
Totals for the day –
Time – 159 mins
Calories burned – 1,684
Calories consumed – 1,979
Workout 1 – ST with 2 mile run
Time – 118 mins
Calories burned – 1,181
Bicep curls – 3 sets of 16 reps with 27.5 lb DBs
Standing lateral raise while leaning on wall – 3 sets of 8 reps with 15 lb DBs for each arm
Leaning lateral raises on balance ball – 3 sets of 10 reps with 10 lb DBs for each arm
Leaning front raises on balance ball – 3 sets of 15 reps with 10 lb DBs for each arm
Reverse flys on balance ball – 6 sets –
3 sets of 8 reps with 10 lb DBs
3 sets of 15 reps with 5 lb DBs
Lat pulldowns – 3 sets
6 reps at 120 lbs
10 reps at 105 lbs
10 reps at 105 lbs
BB rows – 3 sets of 12 reps with a 60 lb BB
Runners curls – 40 reps with 15 lb DBs
Boxing with DBs – 40 reps with 15 lb DBs
Plank rows – 3 sets of 16 reps with 17.5 lb DBs
Squat to shoulder press – 3 sets –
10 reps with 25 lb DBS
10 reps with 22.5 lb DBs
10 reps with 22.5 lb DBs
Horizontal cable body chops – 4 sets total – 3 sets of 10 reps at 40 lbs for each side and ending the last set with one set of single arm chops, 8 reps for each arm at 20 lbs.
Laying down two arm tricep extensions – 3 sets of 10 reps with 15 lb DBs
Tricep overhead cable extensions – 3 sets of 12 reps at 80lbs
Hanging crunch – 5 sets of 10 reps
Seated rows – 3 sets of 10 reps at 105 lbs
DB Chest press – 3 sets
15 reps with 30 lb DBs
10 reps with 35 lb DBs
10 reps with 35 lb DBs
DB flys – 3 sets of 10 reps with 17.5 lb DBs
Post ST run – 2 miles
Time – 19:00 mins/ Avg pace – 9.50 mm
Workout 2 – 3.6 miles with a few hills
Time – 3 mile run – 31.35/ Avg pace – 10:32mm
.60 mile cool down – 10 mins
Calories burned – 503