Workout Results 4/1 –

I LOVE IT! Oh today was a day worth remembering! I did not run fast, I biked at a slower pace, I did not set any records and yet I feel more alive and complete than in a long time. I feel as if I am really making the most of each day and pushing myself towards meeting the goals I have layed out for this year.

I got up this morning and went for a 3 mile run. I started off running slow as my body was sore, but I pushed through and after about a mile or so I got into my stride. Then I came home and immediately got on my bike and rode for 15.58 miles. My ride was wonderful. I learned a few things on this ride that are well worth remembering….

1. Not to grip the handles so tight because mid way through my hand went numb! So NO MORE death grip! LOL
2. I am better at riding than stopping at lights, stop signs etc…
3. Ride in my padded shorts not my running shorts… need to expand on this one!
4. Learn how to ride and drink my energy drinks at the same time
5. Riding at the gym on a stationary bike is VERY different than on the road.
6. Wind makes a HUGE difference and today there was a strong wind against me.
7. Be more concerned with safety and watching the cars around me than my Garmin and my MPH.
8. Learn the gears more and how they can help me with hills, etc…
9. Remember to have FUN! It is not all about time and distance. Take in the beauty around me while keeping my eyes on the road.
10. Wear my Polar RS 400 as well as my Garmin because the Garmin overestimates caloric burn.

I have a triathlon coming up at the end of May and the Bike/Run legs of the race are Bike 15.2 Run 3.1…so today I should have gone and jumped into one of the lakes here and swam for 300m and I could have done my tri! LOL! Though I ran first then biked and that makes a BIG difference as running post biking if far different. I feel good about my training for the next two months. I just hope that my knee continues to be ok. I really need to start running faster but as of now I am just trying to take it one day at a time running pain free, the speed will follow.

I am off now to Lowes and Home Depot for some mushroom compost and garden soil. I will be out all day in the yard bending and lifting. Now, after my ride and run this morning I am sure to be ready for bed by around 8:00 tonight! But I am so happy to be out active and living life! I always say this but I believe it more than anything. This moment…this day will only pass us by ONCE so we have to get out there and make the most of it while we can!

4/1 – Run and Bike –
Total miles – 18.60
Total time – 101.25 mins
Calories burned for the day – 1,176
Calories consumed – 1,697

Run – 3.02 miles
Time – 33.25
Avg Pace – 11.04 mm
Max pace – 7:11 mm
Calories burned – 444

Bike – 15.58 miles
Time – 68 mins
Avg MPH – 13.6
Max MPH – 22.1
Calories burned from Polar RS 400 – 732