Workout Results 3/17 –

Another great workout..cardio, core, legs and all goals reached!

5 min warm up on the elliptical
Touchdown one legged squats – 3 sets of 10 reps for each leg
One legged elevated lunges holding a 15 lb DB – 2 sets – 15 reps for each leg. Set 2 – 12 reps for each leg
Stability ball squats on wall – 3 sets of 15 reps
DB Squats with 15 lb DBs – 3 sets of 15 reps
Plank holds to failure – 4 reps
Walking planks – 16 reps
Medicine ball oblique crunch/side to side – 3 sets of 30 reps holding a 10 lb medicine ball.
Crunch to overhead raise with medicine ball – 3 sets of 15 pres holding a 10 lb medicine ball.
Suitcase crunch holding one 15 lb DB – 3 sets of 15 reps

40 min cardio – 15 mins tread, 15 mins bike and 10 mins on the elliptical followed by a 3 min cool down.

Total time – 93 mins
Calories burned – 1,027
AHR – 151/79% MHR – 185/96%
Calories consumed – 1,791

Tomorrow is 45 mins of cardio and full body ST! Dont forget to drink your water! Reach high!