We had the most wonderful, romantic anniversary!! I have many photos to share and I will try and post them in the next few days. As for now, we are busy trying to get ready for the movers to come and pack up everything as we are FINALLY moving back home to Texas! We are hoping to have our stuff shipped around the 12th of January and then we are leaving for the US the same week for a house hunting trip and for my husband to have some meetings in regards to his new position. We are also shipping our dog back with us on the same flight so we are trying to finalize all the necessary documents for him to leave Russia and to re-enter the US.
In terms of my program, I am doing well. I went to see a doctor on our visit and he confirmed what I had excepted, I have runners knee and in addition to that, behind my knee I have a baker’s cyst. This was wonderful news because both are common not serious. I also have a strained ligament, in my right knee but again, it is nothing that ice and a few days of rest will not fix. I am taking some anti-inflammatories that he gave me and resting for a few more days before starting back slowly on the treadmill.
I will not be posting as much over the next few weeks because of all that we have going on, but I will try and post at least once a week my workouts and updates as to how I am doing.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas. Blessings this new year to each of you!
Work hard, reach high!