This was by far one of my best weight workouts in terms of intensity. I stacked all my weights so that I could go from one to the next in a fast pace. If I did need a break in between sets it was only for a few seconds. It was a fast, short workout but an extremely effective one! My arms are shot!! I gotta say, I love that feeling!!
Biceps, Shoulders and Triceps –
Standard Bicep 21’s working high to low weights- perform 1 set – 84 reps total
21 reps with 25 lb DBs
21 reps with 17.5 lb DBs
21 reps with 11 lb. DBs
21 reps with 6.6 lb. DBs
Alternating Hammer curls – working high to low weights – perform 2 sets – 160 reps total – 80 reps for each arm.
20 reps with 25 lb DBs
20 reps with 17.5 lb DBs
20 reps with 11 lb DBs
20 reps with 6.6 lb DBs
repeat for 2nd set
Alternating Cross body curls – working high to low reps – perform 2 sets – 160 reps total – 80 reps for each arm.
20 reps with 25 lb DBs
20 reps with 17.5 lb DBs
20 reps with 11 lb DBs
20 reps with 6.6 lb DBs
repeat for 2nd set
Alternating Seated Shoulder presses – working high to low weights – perform 2 sets – 160 rep total – 80 reps each arm
20 reps with 25 lb DBs
20 reps with 17.5 lb DBs
20 reps with 11 lb DBs
20 reps with 6.6 lb DBs
repeat for 2nd set
Standing Arnold press – working high to low weights – perform 1 set – 80 reps total.
20 reps with 25 lb DBs
20 reps with 17.5 lb DBs
20 reps with 11 lb DBs
20 reps with 6.6 lb DBs
Tricep extensions with resistance band – perform 2 sets – 160 reps total – 80 reps for each arm.
20 reps, then hold and pulse another 20 reps – 40 reps total each arm
repeat for 2nd set
Two arm lying down tricep extensions – working high to low weights – perform 2 sets – 120 reps total
20 reps with 17.5 lb DBs
20 reps with 11 lb DBs
20 reps with 6.6 lb DBs
repeat for 2nd set
One legged dips – 40 reps
Total time – 53 mins
Calories burned – 337
AHR – 118/61% Zone 2, MHR – 163/85% Zone 4
Caloric deficit – 474
Totals for the week –
Time – 221 mins
Calories burned – 1,458
Caloric deficit – 1,995