I am back and doing better!

Workout Schedule – July 15th – July 20th –

I am still recovering from being sick so this week is an easy one focused on just getting back into my program through light core work and walking. I am going to listen to my body and do what I can, but here is the plan. I may do more, I may have to do less, but all I can promise is that I will do my best!

Tuesday July 15th – Slow walk outside – 25 – 30 mins.

Caloric Deficit – 500
Fitness Note – I did not wear my HRM today. I just needed to get out and move after being sick for so long. I did well. Walked back from the doctors office and then to the grocery store and carried my food back home. It felt good to be out and about again. Thank God I am getting better!

Here is the plan for the week – 
  • Wednesday July16th – Walk for 30 mins along with 15 mins of Yoga X dvd or Baron Baptiste dvd. 
  • Thursday July 17th – Walk for 30 mins along with 15 mins of Yoga X dvd or Baron Baptiste dvd. 
  • Friday July18th – Walk for 45 mins along with 30 mins of Yoga X dvd or Baron Baptiste dvd. 
  • Saturday July 19th – Walk/light run outside for 60 mins. 
  • Sunday July 20th – Walk/light run outside for 60 mins.