Just a thought…..

Here in Siberia we live next to a school that has a small courtyard for soccer and so on. Every so often I see an old man out running in circles around the area. It is his very own personal track. He wears a brightly colored jumpsuit with white tennis shoes. Nothing fancy–no Nike or Adidas here–just the will to get out there and do something good for his body.

Today as I was watching him I thought to myself how many times I have said, “If I only had a trainer at a gym, I could change. If I had someone to workout with, then it would happen for sure.” We all can make excuses in life for why things do not happen, but in the end it is what is inside of us that will ultimately decide the life we live, not our surroundings or our circumstances. Each one of us has the ability to wake up each morning and start over. There is not a gym in the world that will do it for you, not a pill or a trainer that will take the place of one’s determination to meet a goal.

I have now lost a total of 38 pounds and still have a long journey ahead of me, but I always want to remember that I am the only person in control of what I eat and how much I move. I was thinking today, “What will I do today to change myself for the better?” I love that each morning is a renewal of what we were, what we are and what we hope to be.

I heard someone once say that we should replace the phrase “I can’t” with “I am not willing to” and see how many things in life we can in fact accomplish if we just make the effort.

Just a thought…..